Vest Anti-Radiation Wired Headset
How does it work? Vest Anti-Radiation Headset is all air tube from the speaker up, transmitting sound through air only, and allowing a safe distance between your brain and the radiation emitted from...
View ArticleVest Anti-Radiation Bluetooth Headset
How does it work? Vest Anti-Radiation Bluetooth Headset incorporates a hollow flexible air tube, minimizing the exposure to radiation emitted from the phone. An additional radiation shield attached to...
View ArticleVest Anti-Radiation Active Headset
Features • Reducing radiation exposure by up to 98% • FCC Certified Laboratories tested and proven • Patent protected • Excellent sound quality • Flexible & untangling medical grade silicon air...
View ArticleVest Anti-Radiation Wired Headset 2.0
How does it work? Vest Anti-Radiation Headset is all air tube from the speaker up, transmitting sound through air only, and allowing a safe distance between your brain and the radiation emitted from...
View ArticleVest Anti-Radiation Bluetooth Headset 2.0
How does it work? Vest Anti-Radiation Bluetooth Headset incorporates a hollow flexible air tube, minimizing the exposure to radiation emitted from the phone. We use a standard 4.1 BT device (by Jabees)...
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